- From raw social data to semantic data
- semantic grounding of raw social data
- generation and aggregation of social semantics
- ontologies and data models for social data representation and analysis
- real-time semantic mining and analysis of social data
- trends and dynamics in social semantic web
- capturing and representing context in social networking
- Ubiquitous Web and social semantics
- integration of virtual and physical worlds
- integration tools, technologies, and platforms
- privacy, ethics, and confidentiality
- presence tracking and semantic augmentation
- semantic sensors and RFID
- social semantics on mobile devices
- Real-time querying frameworks and languages for social data
- stream querying and reasoning on social data
- location or time based reasoning, context based reasoning
- querying volatile, moving and dynamic networks and data sources
- dynamics, changesets and push-based notifications
- scalability, approximate reasoning and querying in social applications
- provenance and quality for querying social data
Anything you'd like to add to that list? Which ones do you see as the most important?